Tuesday 16 June 2009


Tiba2 aja aku bisa mengubah cara pandangku... dan ternyata...

Semuanya begitu berbeda dilihat dari sini

Ternyata sama sekali ga ada alasan buatku untuk sedih... down... kuatir... dan mikir macem2 kayak selama ini. Buat apa? Nyatanya ga ada apa2! Ternyata selama ini aku sedih buat sesuatu yang ga perlu!


Just wanna laugh alot at my stupidity now...! XD

And promise not to repeat this anymore!

PS : Hey.. I know I'm stupid... and it took so long for me to understand. Being away from you has opened my eyes wide. I can see now. I understand the way u think now. I promise not to do this anymore. Will you forgive me?


tyas wirani said...

hho. apa lagi ini nin? kayanya aku ketinggalan banyak sekali berita tentangmu.

but it's nice to hear that you're okay.

Chia-Phuu said...

yep, nice to hear that you're okay.

but still, I think I start being confused about the way you think :D

Unknown said...

yep yep yep..
stubuh..eh stuju tmn2. nice to find that she's okay.
ninchan..i'm glad u could get over it. walo sy kurg begitu tau what your prob is. heheh..

kisetsuluvshyde said...

Thanx teman2... hikz2 saia terharu dg perhatian kalian...XD

Hehe... sebenernya yg salah tu aku sendiri kok...

Aq mikir terlalu complicated...

Coba aku bisa ngerti dari awal2, semua huru-hara ini ga perlu terjadi... LOL