Thursday 23 December 2010

Think of Me

Think of me

Think of me fondly

when we said goodbye

Remember me, once in a while

please promise me you'll try

When you find that, once again

you long to take your heart back and be free

If you ever find a moment

spare a thought for me...

We never said our love was evergreen

or as unchanging as the sea...

But if you can still remember

stop and think of me....

Think of all the things we've shared and seen

Don't think about the things which might have been..

Think of me...

Think of me waking

silent and resigned

Imagine me..

Trying too hard to put you from my mind

Recall those days..

Look back on all those times

Think of all the things we'll never do

There will never be a day when I won't think of you....

We never said our love was evergreen

or as unchanging as the sea..

But please promise me

that sometimes

you will think of me.....

(Courtesy of Phantom of the Opera. Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber)

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Long Distance Relationship : Yes I Will Survive!

I'm not gonna lie about this: it's hard.

Especially when you are thousands of kilometers apart from your beloved one. He's all the way in Indonesia... and I'm in America.

Your days and nights are not the same anymore, you started doing new things separately, your worlds are changing and they slowly become different. It's becoming harder and harder to see each other, your feelings are not connected and you feel as though you don't understand each other anymore.... And that's when your love's gonna be tested.

Well, I guess need to provide a little detail about why I'm in a long distance relationship.

On August 2010 I left home for Global Undergraduate Exchange Program. I'm gonna spend about ten months in the USA, and come home on May 2011.

Deep inside, as happy as I am for getting this scholarship, I could never forgive myself for leaving him alone, at the time when he needs me the most. This year he finally graduated from college, and started looking for work, and I really hate myself for not being able to see with my own eyes the moment he started taking his first step to the outer world. I hate myself for not being able to be there with him in such a crucial moment, when he began stepping toward his future. I hate myself.

I tried to be a really good girlfriend even though I'm faraway but I know that's not enough. I want to be there with him. What am I doing here? Why am I alone? Why am I leaving him? Sometimes the feeling of loneliness is just so overwhelming that I want to cry. But I tried to suck them all up and convince myself. Yes, it's only for a year! I will survive until May!

And then came that call. He got a job in Kalimantan (it's somewhere really far away from my hometown). I was really happy that he got a job.... but also terrified. He's moving away.. Who knows if I will be able to see him again in the future? Kalimantan is really far, it's costly to go back home. And he might never get a holiday long enough so that he can visit home. Suddenly everything just feels so... empty. Lonely. I used to be so eager waiting to come home because I know I'll see him again if I come home. But now? Even though I come back to my hometown, it will not be the same anymore... not without him there. When will I ever see him again? God knows.

A little advice for those who are also in LDR:

1.) Long distance relationship relies on two things : trust and commitment. As long as you believe in your partner and keep your commitment, you'll be fine.

It is so much easier said than done. Distance is a terrible thing. Sometimes you feel as though your hearts are not connected anymore. You feel as though you don't understand each other. You began to fight, and you are scared seeing how your friends who are also in LDR began to break up one by one, and you wonder if that will happen to you as well.

2.)Don't worry too much about it. Life goes on. For me, I strongly believe that he is my one and only and I will keep trusting him, because I know that I can never feel this way again for anybody else. As lonely as I am right now, I have no intentions of breaking up. But if you feel that LDR is not working for you, don't force yourself. Break up and get it over with.

3.) Always remember that it is NOT going to be easy. Don't expect anything close to the relationship you were in back home because it is going to be entirely different. It is not going to be as romantic or intimate. There will come days when you feel lonely, but take it easy. Go out and hang around with your friends if you feel lonely, but remember to ALWAYS keep your trust and commitment. Your partner is not going anywhere and so is you.

4.) Seek moral support. If you look around, it's highly possible that you will find friends in the same situation as you (LDR) and trust me, that makes you feel a LOT better!

Lastly, say it to yourself : Long distance relationship? YES, I WILL SURVIVE!!!

Friday 1 January 2010

Tahun baru 2010 : Perang Dunia II

Tahun baru 2010 saia lewatkan bersama temen2 SMA di rumah temen saya, Stanis. Meski nggak begitu banyak yang dateng, tapi tetep aja, seneng rasanya bisa kumpul2 lagi sama temen2 SMA setelah sekian lama. Bikin aq merasa kembali muda :P

Kenapa aku bilang 'Perang Dunia II'...? Jelas ada ceritanya, yg laen drpd yg laen XD

Jadii.... pas pergantian taun, kita pun memutuskan untuk maen kembang api. Temen saya sudah beli kembang api super yang ledakannya besar dan suaranya dahsyat. Kemudian, si kembang api itu pun dipasang di atas pagar rumah. Sesaat kelihatannya berdirinya cukup kokoh. Tapii.... setelah ledakan pertama, kedudukannya si kembang api jadi goyah. Posisinya jadi miring dengan moncong menghadap ke arah rumah stanis!

Setelah itu, saya nggak tahu apa yang terjadi.

Mungkin dia merasa takut kalo ledakan kembang api kena rumahnya stanis

Mungkin dia takut kalo rumahnya stanis kebakar

Pokoknya, seorang temen saya, anak Manajemen '07 berinisial K lantas me- NENDANG mercon tersebut. (Benar, si mercon super yang sedang nyala itu di- TENDANG begitu saja. Don't try this at home)

Si mercon pun melayang.... dan jatuh ke lapangan basket di depan rumah stanis... dengan moncong menghadap ke rumah stanis dan ke arah kita semua.



Ledakan pertama, sekeras bom atom Hiroshima, tepat di belakang saya, hampir bikin jantung saya copot!! Saya langsung melompat kaget dan menjerit sekuat-kuatnya. Mau lari tapi otak dan tubuh rasanya gak bisa berkoordinasi dengan baik, jadi saya cuman mematung di tempat sambil jerit-jerit.


Ledakan kedua, lebih dekat dan lebih keras daripada yang tadi! Bunga api berwarna oren menyembur lewat samping saya. Satu pikiran pun melintas di benak saya. Kabur! Selamatkan diri! Dan saya pun berlari sekencangnya untuk berlindung di balik pagar rumah stanis.


Si mercon meledak lagi, dan ternyata percuma bersembunyi di balik pagar rumah stanis. Pagarnya bolong2 dan semburan bunga api warna ungu masuk melalui celah2 itu, lewat tepat di depan mukaku!!

Sekarang aku tahu rasanya perang dunia II

Selanjutnya si mercon pun meledak dan meledak.... Saya lupa tepatnya berapa ledakan... Ketika akhirnya ledakan-ledakan itu berhenti, saya menoleh ke sekeliling, ke arah wajah temen2 yang pada pucat semua.

Beberapa saat kita pandang2an tanpa ngomong apa2...

Setelah itu kita pun ngakak habis2an.

Gelok!! Bener2 pengalaman gila dan sensasi tak terlupakan! Meskipun kita semua sepakat kalo bahaya maen2 mercon kayak begitu, tapi lucu banget ngelihat semua kekacauan yang terjadi saat kita dengan panik berusaha menyelamatkan diri masing2 dengan berlindung di balik pagar, semak2, ato ngungsi ke dalam rumah. Kita ngakak bersama gak ada habisnya.

Ya ampunn.... Thanx for the memories, guys! I luv u all! Buat K the Mercon-Kicker laen kali jangan tendang mercon sembarangan! Happy new year, all! XD