Thursday 29 January 2009

I Found A Remedy... At Last... :)

Selama ini sakit itu dateng, pergi, dateng lagi.

Kadang sakit banget... Perih, berdarah-darah, ga bisa diredain. And what's more, there isn't a chance for me to run from this pain. It's something INSIDE me, how could I ever escape from it?? So I just have to face it, no matter how matter how bitter it is for me.

Really tiring, really frustrating, and I've been struggling so much just to keep myself from being crushed. It's hard.

Kadang aku nemuin obat di antara temen2ku. Ketenangan yang bisa mbalut lukaku. Tapi itu cuma sementara. Waktu aku sendirian, sakit itu dateng lagi.

But now I can gladly say that...


I'm so glad I could cry my heart out!

I was thrown into the bottom of my sorrow, but now... I'm back. I'm back to my usual state. Like the 'me' from before any of this sh*t happened. Like NOTHING ever happened at all. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

How did I get back??

Sebenernya gampang aja. Kuncinya cuma satu kata. So important, yet so simple, sampe akhirnya kita sering lupa sendiri.
Kata itu :

Yap. Pasrah.

Kemaren aku duduk, merenung, dan tahu2 kata itu merayap masuk ke hatiku. Kayaknya ada yg bisikin aku, "Tenanglah Nin. Pasrahin semuanya sama yang di atas. Dia pasti akan nolong kamu. Dia nggak akan bikin kamu sengsara lebih jauh lagi...."

Dan aku sadar. Bener juga. Kenapa selama ini aku bisa lupa? Aku nggak sendiri. Nggak pernah sendiri. Tuhan selalu menolong hamba-Nya yang sedang kesusahan.

Setelah itu, aku bener2 tenang. Sakit itu seolah nggak pernah ada. Mungkin bahkan sedikit mati rasa. Tiap kali luka itu mau kebuka lagi, aku selalu ingat. Tuhan selalu di sampingku.

And so... I managed to get back to my usual state... I came back, even stronger than before ( I think) XD

Well its true I really went through alot... maybe I've levelled-up?? XD



Today is a special day...

For Hyde my looovveee....!! XD XD



--A wine gets better with age, and so will you, I hope. I pray that your career will never go out. That your star can keep on shining in everyone' s heart. And that you can live long until you're 100, surrounded always by those people who love you. Luv, kisetsu--


Ferzya Farhan said...

ninaaa ya?
happy bday ya darl :)

tyas wirani said...

slamaaattttt.... glad to have the real you back sist!

redrooster said...

Well well well... I never knew you had this side of things. LOL.

Glad to know that you are normal... hahag
