Friday 1 April 2011

The Time Traveler's Wife Book Review

I know I'm so late at making this review and most of you probably had seen the movie or read this book already but what the hell. I love this book and still going to recommend you to read it just in case you haven't :)

This book revolves around the love story between Henry and Clare. Henry DeTamble, a 28 year-old librarian who lives in Chicago and looks just like a perfectly normal librarian with an extraordinary love for books.... except that he is anything but normal. He was born a Chrono-impaired person, meaning he often finds himself time-traveling.... involuntarily. Instead of time-traveling, probably the more appropriate term is that he often finds himself displaced in time. He can never control when or where he will be going, and since he is not allowed to take anything with him when time traveling, not even his clothes, he often has to survive by pickpocketing, picking locks, and stealing.

Henry first met Clare at the age of 28. For Clare however, that was not her first time meeting him. Many times in her past she had seen the future self of Henry, who time-traveled back to when Clare was as young as six. This extraordinary couple finally got married, and in this book they take turn telling stories from their side.

How Henry has to deal with all the hardships he experiences during time-traveling and how he misses home and hates to go away where Clare can't follow. How he despises himself for being such unreliable husband during all the time they were together. And Clare - how she is the one who has to wait for Henry every time, worrying, wondering if her husband is somewhere out there, if he is all right.

I was a little skeptical about this book, especially because the first half of the book looks more like a science fiction. But as the story goes on, what seemingly a science fiction turned into a real love story and got me badly captivated. Especially with its brilliant and touching ending, it will be hard not to be moved to tears by Henry and Clare's true love across the time. When you really love somebody, time and distance mean nothing.


Wasnaker said...
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kisetsuluvshyde said...

Tq lik =D

Kalo ada temennya jadi ada motivasi nih ngeblog... Kalo g ad temen jadi males.. haha

Gagah Prambudi said...

never thought u would read that kind of book. haha
good story and great review! :)

*btw, sempet ya nin baca begituan disana..haha

itheng said...

lha akhirnya dia bisa mengendalikan kemana dia dan kapan dia pergi ora nin???

merry fatma said...

aku prnah nonton filmnya mbak,, genrenya romance jadinya gag terlalu menikmatinya hehehe
ayo mbak keep blogging, cerita2 sehari-hari disana :D

kisetsuluvshyde said...

@ipam: hah ipam! kirain udah g pernah ngeblog lagi... habis dri dulu blogmu gak diupdate2, eh ternyata emg kamu ganti blog, hahaha....

@mas andy: hahaha rahasia... kalo aku jawab jdi ngasi spoiler soalnya :P

@merry: oke mer, ditunggu yaa :D

kenDo said...

endingnya itu lhohh.. cediih...

kisetsuluvshyde said...

Iya... :(

Tapi so sweet..... :) :)